

The ContentfulImage component is a React component that displays an image fetched from Contentful’s Image API. This component requires Contentful’s Image API to be installed in the project.


npm install @madeinhaus/contentful-image


import ContentfulImage from '@madeinhaus/contentful-image';


  • alt (required): A string representing the alternate text for the image. This is required for accessibility purposes.
  • className: A string representing the CSS class name(s) to apply to the component.
  • customSources: An array of custom sources to use for the image. Each custom source is an object with the following properties:
    • breakpoint: A number representing the screen width at which to use this custom source. If omitted, this source will be used as the fallback source for all screen sizes.
    • src: A string representing the URL of the image source.
    • imageWidth: A number representing the desired width of the image.
    • orientation: A string representing the orientation of the device (e.g. “portrait” or “landscape”).
  • decoding: A string representing the decoding method to use for the image. Possible values are “async”, “sync”, or “auto”.
  • draggable: A boolean representing whether the image should be draggable or not.
  • fallbackImageWidth: A number representing the desired width of the fallback image. This is used as the fallback when the custom sources do not provide a source for a given screen size.
  • loading: A string representing the loading method to use for the image. Possible values are “eager” or “lazy”.
  • priority: A boolean representing whether the image should be prioritized for loading or not.
  • src (required): A string representing the URL of the image source.


Basic Usage

import ContentfulImage from '@madeinhaus/contentful-image';
import styles from './ContentfulImageDemo.module.css';
const ContentfulImageDemoBasic: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <div className={styles.root}>
          { breakpoint: 1024, imageWidth: 1024 * 1.5 },
          { breakpoint: 768, imageWidth: 768 * 1.5 },
          { imageWidth: 768 },
        alt="A short description of the image"
export default ContentfulImageDemoBasic;


  • The ContentfulImage component uses Contentful’s Image API to serve optimized images with the desired dimensions and quality.
  • The customSources prop allows you to provide an array of custom sources for the image, each with a specified breakpoint and image width.
  • The fallbackImageWidth prop sets the fallback width for the image in case the custom sources are not specified or do not have a breakpoint.
  • The loading prop determines whether the image should be loaded eagerly or lazily.
  • The priority prop determines whether the image should be loaded with priority.
  • The decoding prop sets the decoding mode for the image, which can improve performance in some cases.
  • The src prop is required and should be a string representing the source URL for the image.
  • The alt and className props are optional and are used for accessibility and styling purposes, respectively.